Education is one of the most effective agents of change in society. When a child is going to school today, he or she sets off a cycle of their positive change but there are thousands of children in our India who are deprived of their education for some reason or the other.
The age of 11 to 14 years, which is the age of children going to school and getting education, at that age they have to leave school and work. In the absence of education, some do not even write their name properly. Child not Interested in Studies
- Issues & challenges of education in India
- Earliest Marriag
- Financial Problem
- Problem Of Brain Drain - Weak Intellect
- Expensive Higher Education
- Lack of Primary Education
- Required, House hold or Outside work
- What We Do-Button
Benefits of education-
Education Spreads awareness.
Informs about our rights and the services that we can access.
Helps in decision Making.
Strengthen Confidence.
Education always Stand our Career